Saturday, September 24, 2011

This a a project i'm working on! =D

[TUTORIAL] Book Page Necklace

I introduced this necklace a while back
and sold a couple at the facebook sale,
but since my shop is going in a different direction,
I've decided to share the tutorial for this necklace.

30" of chain
2 pages from an old book
1 piece of poster board
1 quarter
Jump rings
Lobster Claps

Cut two pieces of chain,
15 1/2, and 18 inches long.

Attach the two chains at both ends with small jump rings:

[Should look like this]

Rip out 2 pages from an old book.
Glue one to each side of a piece of poster board:

Trace a quarter on the book page:

Cut out the tracing:

Paint cut-out with varnish:

Use a match to burn the edges of the cut-out:

Use a hammer and nail to punch a hole into the cut-out:

Attach a jump ring through the hole:

[Repeat steps 4-9 to make 7 of these book page pendants]

Attach 7 pearls to jump rings:

Plan out where all the pendants and pearls are going to be on the necklace:

Attach with pliers and add a lobster clasp to the end of the chain:

I'm linking to these parties.